Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Nothing but green goodness...

Esther and I recently went on very quick trip with Megs...
to a place that is beautifully green and always raining....
to visit these two darlings....
It was Esther's first time on an airplane and the little dear was a saint. Both there and back she didn't make a peep. The people who sat in front of us on nearly every flight said that they hadn't even realized there was an infant behind them...she was just that good!
It was not only Esther's first time on an airplane, but also her first time meeting any of her great-grandparents. I think she likes them...

We also got to see Chia and Yeng. They came over to Papa and Darie's for a short visit.
Above is a picture of Chia with Esther and below is a picture of Chia's daughter Gabriella with Esther. Chia and I were best friends from birth and Gabby and Esther have about the same age difference as me and Chia. I love this picture because Esther is already almost as long as Gabby. I think I was probably taller than Chia by the time I was standing, despite the fact that she is about 2 1/2 years older than me.
Sweet Aunt Cynthia came over as well. Not to mention the fact that Aunt Debi happened to be in Portland at the same time as us which made it possible for her to spend more time with Esther than she has in Utah. (below: Aunt Cynthia and Esther)
Don't be fooled by that adorable face in the previous picture. This is what that darling is capable of...
Yup that is spit-up. And yes, that is also awesome orange carpet. I wish I had a picture of the lime green carpet in the room I stayed in.
I love going to Portland . Papa and Darie's house is the same as it has always been and it is just as inviting now as it was when I was 7 years old. I'm glad to still have these two darlings in my life.


Ashley said...

Wow! Papa had lots of hair!
I hope our baby is a good baby like Esther, although that distance she got on that spit-up is quite impressive. :)

Our Little Family said...

Ba Hahahaha, it was Esthers first time meeting asians too!! lol, by the way, Gabriella can't stop talking about baby Esther :)