Tuesday, March 1, 2011

This one is for you Ashley....

Ashley corrected me in my comment from my last post and let me know that she actually is left disappointed with a sense of wanting when she checks my blog and sees that there is no update. So, Ashley this is for you. Unfortunately it isn't about you. But it is for you :)

I have something selfish to admit. When Esther was born and looked identical to Jack's newborn pictures, I was a bit disappointed. Not because I don't love my husband and want my babies to look like him, because I do. And not because I thought Esther was anything less than beautiful and perfect, because I didn't. But because the only physical evidence (besides the whole pushing her out of my lady parts thing) that would suggest Esther was my daughter were her long feet with the large gap in her toes and her disconnected earlobes (really, not even my best features people). I guess I always thought that my daughters would look like me and my sons would look like Jackie. Well, Esther's first few months of life proved otherwise. I have to say though, in the last few months as Esther has started to take on some of my features as well, it has made me feel kind of happy inside. I like that I see both me and Jack in her. Isn't that what it is all about? Making a new little person with the person you love most in the world to create an extension of yourself that is also an extension of them.

What do you think? Still all Christensen or is there some Fife in there?

Baby Sausha

Baby Esther

However, these last two pictures prove that there is still PLENTY of Christensen left in her veins. To the left is Esther and below is Baby Jack.


Tina said...

Oh my goodness....I never saw it until I saw your baby picture! She looks SO much like you! She is the perfect mix of the two of you!

Charlotte and Matt said...

She is totally your twin!!! What a cutie face. Can we please get together soon? I'll be in SLC for several weeks starting the 9th.

Ashley said...

I feel all sorts of special to get a post just for me. :) Your writing makes me laugh!!!
She definitely has a REALLY good mix of the two of you!

Ben and Kristen Call said...

I know exactly how you feel. I have always gotten a little sad when people tell me that Reese looks just like her daddy. Not that I care that she looks like him, but just like you I thought my girls would look like me and my boys would look like my hubby.
Well what do we know??? :o)
I think Esther looks a lot like you!