Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Moving woes....

I have some good news and some bad news.

Good news: My Dad, also known as Hot Rod, is getting married. He has found a wonderful woman to spend the rest of his life with and they are getting married February 21st in the Mt. Timpanogos temple. Her name is Vicki Muir. She is the mother of 5 kids and a teacher at Lone Peak High School.

Bad news: Dad is moving. He has been entertaining the idea since he and Vicki have been talking marriage. They plan on living in her house for about 6 months and then buying a house of their own. I realize that I am 24 years old, married and I don't live at home, but it is my home. It is where my friends and I would congregate on the weekends, eating snacks and talking while sitting on the kitchen floor. It is where I spent half of my childhood. It is in the ward that I have grown to love and respect so much over the years. I think the thing that is the hardest is it was my mom's home. It is where she lived day after day and where she died.

Just for the record, I'm fine. Just a little sentimental. I really am so happy for both my Dadman and Vicki. I've just never been very good at saying good-bye to things...even houses. This isn't a new thing either. I remember being eight years old when my parents told me we were moving to Utah and running all the way to my best friend's house crying. I get attached to things and people and I don't like permanent change (except for marriage...that was a really good permanent change). Oh well, I guess it's life.


Sapp Family said...

I'm sorry to hear about your dad moving. That would be a bummer. At least you have lots of good memories there and with him...you can take those with you forever. :)

Unknown said...

:( I'm sad your dad is moving too!I'm still sad sometimes that my mom moved out of my house. Call me so we can chat about this marriage thing!

Jinger said...

ooooh that is a hard one to deal with. I remember crying several times over several days when my parents sold our house that's just down the street from you. I loved that home. I COMPLETELy understand what you are going through. It feels like you have to close that chapter of your "book of life" forever never to be re-opened or visited. So many times I have wanted to knock on the door and walk through the house again, but I only get as brave as driving by. I so feel for ya Saush... it's definitely not easy. Hey my number is 801-367-1451. Give me a call! I also need your cell again whereas we ruined another phone and got a new cell. I would love to catch up!

Tiffani said...

Scrapbook the wallpaper. (That was one friend's solution to her sentimentalism about her old house.) It is a sad story, but happy. Parents marriages are bittersweet. I wish your dad and his wife all the luck. It will be fun for you to have some new siblings. I only inherited one when my dad got remarried. Aww... I feel for your emotional distress. Next time Will and Jack watch sports, we can have a heart to heart.
P.S. I will keep bugging Will about Thoroughly Modern Millie.

kenna said...

I remember hanging out at your house, it was always a blast. It def is a bummer.