If you had asked me a few weeks ago if I ever thought the birth of my daughter would come, I may have sounded doubtful. As February 10th (Esther's due date) came and went time moved painfully slowly and my grumpiness increased daily. Seven days never felt longer. Finally, the time for eviction arrived, but it was a forced eviction. On the evening of February 16th Jack and I headed to LDS hospital for me to be induced. They started me on the meds to induce me around 9 pm and approximately twelve and a half hours later we had our beautiful screaming baby laying on my chest. Amazing! I'm almost positive that the few of you who read our blog have probably either already seen pictures of Esther or have met her. Either way, here she is.
This picture was taken right before we left for the hospital. I'm 41 weeks pregnant, and this is Esther's last documented appearance while in the womb.
Esther Aleen Christensen
Esther and Dad
Esther and Mom
This is Esther's favorite way to sleep. She frequently will slide her arm out of her swaddle and throw it above her head. This picture is especially fabulous because of her hair...she is her father's daughter (this is what Jack's hair looks like every morning).
Our families and friends have been amazingly supportive. Thank you to all of you who have sent your congratulations and have provided food and/or sanity naps for me and Jack. We love you all!
Love the pics! She is soooo cute!! We are so excited to meet her!
yay for babies. We'll have to get one soon. How is Mom recovering?
She's even cuter in real life. We want to hold her again so we can play... if you guys ever need someone to babysit, we can do it. We could use some training.
Congrats!! She is so cute!! Hope you are doing well.
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